Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Life During Dead Week

April 23, 2014

Hello there, dear audience. Today I was just reflecting upon my life at the moment, feeling quite put out about the whole thing, and I decided that I needed to kick-start my writing. Taking on a fully-formed, coherent post seems like too much effort right now, what with finals steadily approaching and my generally feeling of "life sucks" at the moment, so I think that today is a day for random observations. 

Things That Seem Significant In My Life Right Now

      On Sunday, driving home from work, I saw a man riding a bicycle. With a dog pulled behind him in a cart. Something like this.            It was fracking adorable. Although, the dog didn't look quite as happy as this one does. 
    1. I was in my Functional Anatomy lab final today and was unable to distinguish whether a structure was either
      1. An undescended testicle
      2. A uterus, or, 
      3. A bladder
    2. This was quite disheartening dear audience. Because, in case your anatomy is a little rusty, this indicates that I was unable to decide whether the poor thing was even male or female. This did not inspire confidence in my other answers. And while I would like you to think that this is a significant enough point to deserve its own numeral, the sad truth is that at the moment, in a formatting battle between the toolbar and a college student, the toolbar wins. 
    3. The only things I have eaten in the last 24 hours are yogurt, a hastily made omelet, orange juice, and copious amounts of chocolate and trail mix (which, incidentally, is probably composed of about 60% chocolate-based ingredients). So, when I was in my Anatomy final today, I was reduced to sniffing my test paper in the hope that the smell of ink and paper would override the smell of formaldehyde and decomposition and keep me from become dizzier than I already was due to lack of sustenance. 
    4. Showering has now become a legitimate chore. Dear goodness, I am morphing into a man. What has the world come to?
    5. The only way I am able to make myself get out of the house is by wearing flip-flops. If I am required to put on actual shoes and socks, I am too demotivated to even make it to the driveway. 
    6. My most frequently-used adjective in the past two weeks is "fuck." And this makes me even more depressed than I already am.
    7. I am now forced to use six different alarms to get out of bed in the morning. And I still manage to sleep through my first two classes and be 15 minutes late to the third one. 
    8. My bed is so completely mussed that my sheets have now made two complete rotations from the bottom to the top of my blanket arrangement without me ever having remade my bed. 
I think that is all the depression my psyche can handle right now without just laying down and declaring defeat at the hands of life. So I will leave it there. Hopefully, after finals are over and I am able to reclaim my life, I will be able to come to you with something less self-pitying and more profound. Or at least more entertaining. 

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