Sunday, December 8, 2013

When It Gets A Little Nippy

December 8, 2013

It's been a little chilly the past week or so. More than chilly. I think the technical term is freezing. Below freezing.

I was on Facebook the other day and I saw an acquaintance post something along the lines of, "If I had to choose between giant insects and long, cold winters, I would still choose the winters." I think it was supposed to be a comment on the poster's willingness to put up with frigid winters in exchange for safety from large invertebrates, but when the weather is like it has been the last week, I begin to warm up to the idea of the insects.

I drove to work at 6:30 in the morning and my thermostat in my truck said -13 degrees Fahrenheit. -13. That's kind of chilly. The funny thing is, when I drove home from work later that afternoon, the thermostat had dropped to -17 degrees. How exactly does that work? Isn't it supposed to be colder in the morning? 

I was walking the dogs today at work thinking about what it would have been like to live exactly where I do a hundred or even fifty years ago. Realize that when it's at least 10 below outside, the walks with the dogs tend to be rather short. Still, even with that consideration, 10 minutes was about my limit before my fingers began to freeze inside my gloves. And then as I was scurrying back to the warmth of the house with the dogs as fast as I could possibly go, I thought about what it would  be like to live in this kind of weather back when there wasn't any electric or gas heating. And it wasn't a very comfortable picture.

So I would just like to say that I am very thankful for modern technology in relation to its ability to keep me and all my extremities toasty warm. After all, I'm quite attached to my extremities. 

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