Thursday, December 12, 2013

So Close...

December 12, 2013

So I've been sitting here for the last fifteen minutes or so, racking my brains for what super-amazing topic I'm going to wow you all with today, dear audience. I am sad to report that I can think of nothing awesome happening in my life. Or at least nothing that a large number of people would also agree is awesome. I was tempted to cop out and just fill this entire post with some of my favorite quotes from books I've been reading, but I decided against it for two reasons. First, I'm pretty sure you all have something better to do with your time than read a compilation of quotes that I have randomly selected with no theme or point whatsoever. Second... I'm too lazy to type all the quotes out. Yep, it's that bad folks.

I suppose this is a common symptom of finals week. I have almost made it to the end. I am so close! But not quite there. Some people are blessed by the gods and goddesses of academia and are finished with their finals early in the week. Some are cursed like myself to have finals all the way up until the Friday of finals week. I envy those lucky souls.

Like my roommate, for example. I walked into the apartment this afternoon after an intensive organic chemistry study session that was making my brain throb to find that the entire apartment reeked of nail polish. I walk into my roommate's room to find her sprawled out on her bed, laptop on her lap, all four limbs splayed in different directions. 

"So, what you up to?" I asked, rubbing my temples in a futile attempt to relieve the throbbing behind my eyes. "And why does our entire apartment reek of nail polish?"

"Oh, I was bored and didn't know what to do, so I decided to paint my toenails! Then, when I was finished, I still didn't know what to do so I just put a coat of clear polish on my finger nails."

If looks could kill.

"Come here and let me tell you what I think of you being that bored," I said to her, visions of strangulation and dismemberment running through my head. 

It is intensely demoralizing to be working that hard and come home to find someone that bored. I realize that she probably worked just as hard as I did, and that her finals just happened to finish before mine, but it doesn't mean that it made my impulse to strangle her any lower. 

However, I only have one more day to go, and then I'm free for a whole month. Just one more day. Here's to the almost-there feeling that we have all been tormented by at one point or another and hoping that it doesn't drive me crazy before I can finish this semester. 

Also, let's hope that the smell of nail polish eventually dissipates from our apartment, because it is really not helping my headache. 

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