Monday, November 25, 2013

On Housework and Motivation

November 25, 2013

I realize that by the time I post this it might technically be November 26th, but we're just going to ignore that because I'm still operating under the impression that it is the 25th because I haven't gone to bed yet, and that's going to have to be good enough.

You know, my motivation for getting things done kicks in at the strangest time. I just spent the last three hours cleaning my apartment. This isn't because I have been super busy all day or that I've had previous commitments (in fact, I woke up at about three this afternoon, giving me a total of 13 hours of sleep... Oops...), but rather because I wasn't motivated to get anything done until like 9:30 pm. 

Between the two of us, my roommate and I have spent the last three hours or so cleaning out the fridge, taking out the garbage, doing all the dishes (which pretty much includes every dish in our cupboards because we haven't done dishes in a while), and cleaning our rooms. 

I now have all my dirty clothes, blankets, and towels packed into three black trash bags in preparation for being taken home over Thanksgiving so I can use my mother's washer and dryer. I know. Typical college student. In my defense, I think that the laundry machines in our apartment building are either going to spontaneously combust or eat all of my clothing soon, because there is just something not right with them. Also, I think that more hair is actually added to my clothing after I've washed it compared to how it was before it went in, which is gross on a number of levels. So I'm hauling all my laundry back home, to a set of laundry machines that I know and love, and which I can personally vouch do not add hair to my clothing when I use them. 

I am beyond stoked that I get to start Thanksgiving break tomorrow. Hopefully it won't be too stressful and there will be no major family drama. Of course if there is, that's just more entertainment for you, dear audience. I will keep you posted. 

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