Friday, November 22, 2013

On The Perfect Bonfire

November 22, 2013

Tonight I had the pleasure of going to a bonfire with some of my fellow Animal Science students. 

I have been to a few bonfires in my time. When I was little, these were all mostly family camping related. However, I have discovered that in college nothing is more popular than a bonfire. The bigger the better. In fact, the colder the better. Apparently in college the best time for a bonfire is right after a big snow storm. I think this is because it is that much harder for the smashed college students to light the forest on fire when the surroundings are buried under a foot of fresh, wet snow. Of course this also means that it is that much harder to get the bonfire lit in the first place, but hey, who doesn't love burning copious amounts of gasoline? Although it does make your marshmallows taste a little questionable...

Tonight I found that the most uncomfortable part of a bonfire (besides the gasoline-flavored s'mores) is keeping various parts of your anatomy relatively warm at all times. When you face the fire, your face is warm, your hands are warm, but your backside gradually begins to resemble a popsicle. Turn around, and your backside is toasty warm and your nose begins to ache with cold. There's just no way to win. If I was in charge of the bonfire, I would actually have two bonfires lit, with enough space in between for people to stand and simultaneously warm both sides of themselves. 

Interestingly enough, throughout this entire ordeal the one part of your anatomy that remains cold constantly is your toes. It doesn't matter how good your snow boots are or how many pairs of socks you wear. Eventually it is your toes that are going to prompt you to abandon your attempt to enjoy the outdoors and retreat into the warm safety of the house (or truck, or sleeping bag, or whatever is handy).  

Here's to my still-frozen toes. Happy Friday :) 

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