Friday, November 15, 2013

When You Just Can't Write Anything Right

November 15, 2013

There are going to be days when everything that you come up with or try to write down sounds like all kinds of butterscotch (otherwise known as B.S.). Today is one of those days.

My previous self would have immediately given up on trying to write at all and counted today as a day when I am incapable of writing anything intelligent. But, dang it, I've made a commitment to writing on this blog every day. So, get ready for one awkward, probably uninteresting, and quite disjointed post.  

Here are some of the random and unconnected thoughts that I've had in the past couple of weeks:

Thought #1: I saw a huge Ford F350 in one of the parking lots at school this week while walking back to my truck after organic chemistry (which is kicking my butt at the moment). In the box of this ginormous (and ugly, because I am of the opinion that all Fords are ugly) truck was a huge square bale. And not one of those small squares that you stack by hand and feed to your horses. No, one of the humongous, trying-to-be-a-round-bale-yet-still-a-square-bale bales that you need  a forklift to feed. And it was just chilling in the back of this truck, in the middle of a college campus. I realize that I go to a land-grant college that has a major focus on agriculture, but seriously. And the craziest thing? I was overcome with this irrational urge to steal that hay bale right out of the back of that truck and take it home with me. If it had been a small square, I might have just taken it. Do I have any place to put it? No. Do I even have any uses for/animals to feed the hay bale to? No. But I wanted it anyways. You know your an agriculture nut when...

Thought #2: Is there any man more perfect than Welsey off The Princess Bride? I was reminded of this when I was walking across campus and came across a guy that had perfect Wesley hair. Pre-pirate, not post. You know what I'm talking about. That golden hair with the slight wave? The one that makes you want to say, "Farmboy, fetch me that water!" If any of you out there in my audience don't know what I'm talking about and haven't seen The Princess Bride, shame. Shame on you. And your parents. And your childhood. Because The Princess Bride is an undisputed classic that everyone should watch at least once, even if just to hear Vizzini yell, "Inconceivable!" and have Inigo reply, "I do not think that means what you think it means..."

Thought #3: Sometime I wish that they would invent a hair magnet. Anyone who has ever had an indoor pet knows exactly what I'm talking about. I have one indoor cat, and yet I swear that there is no where that I can go in my apartment without encountering cat hair. Not even the shower. This might have something to do with my penchant for giving my cat monthly baths, but still... It's all over your clothes, your bedding, your shoes, your stove, your dishes, your floors. Everything. And no amount of vacuuming or lint rollers is going to get rid of it. Some days I just want to crawl out of my skin with the nastiness of it all. But the truth is, I can't blame it all on the cat. Because my roommate and I shed just as much hair as the cat does. That's what you get when you live in a space with two long-haired girls and one long-haired cat. But sometimes, I just want to be able to turn on some kind of machine that would magically suck all the hair out of my apartment. And don't you dare say, "That's what vacuum cleaners are for!" I will hunt you down and make you eat hair if you do. Just try me.

Hopefully I will be struck with inspiration overnight and come back to you with something more interesting on the morrow. Until then... 

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