Sunday, November 17, 2013

Thoughts for the Day

November 17, 2013

Whew. This whole "daily blogging" thing is way harder than I thought it was going to be. Almost missed Sunday right there. As before, it's probably evident that I am fresh out of ideas for today. So I'll just leave you with a couple of thoughts...

Thought #1: Why is it that we never have the emotional responses that we think we should? We have all these expectations of how we see ourselves reacting in certain situations, or how other people think we should react to certain emotional stimulants. But when these expectations do not become a reality, we have a couple of different options. First, to think that there might be something wrong with ourselves because we are not reacting the way other people think we should (Example: Wow, am I a horrible person because I'm not more upset that [insert emotionally distressing problem here]?) Second, we try to force the response that we think should be happening, or that we expect we should be having. One example? Forced crying. Yep. I said it. It's not that I'm not already sad or anything, but my first reaction is not to bawl my eyes out. But then, for some reason, I get this idea that I'm not as sad/hurt/angry/emotional as someone who is crying. So I, not so much force, but more actively allow myself to cry. I'm not sure that makes sense to any of you out there in my dear audience. I'm not sure I even completely get it. And I'm sure there are other possible emotional responses to pick from besides these two. But right now, these seem to be all I can focus on. Another response, perhaps?

Thought #2: I've heard of the play, "All I Ever Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten." I've never actually seen this play, so I'm not 100% positive what exactly the content is, but as I've gotten further and further into college I've begun to hypothesize on what some of the points might be. The most prevalent point, and my personal favorite? Nap time. Nothing ever beats a good cat nap. Hence the short length of this blog. I hate to say it, but today a fully developed and complete blog was sacrificed on the altar of the cat nap. Or the extra-super-ultra-long cat nap. I think there's probably a word for that kind of nap... I shall get back to you on this. At the moment, all I can think about is the other thing that is sacrificed on the altar of cat naps (besides my homework, of course): dinnner. Now, what to eat...

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